Entry Application 2022-2023
Entry Information
- Complete the entry form below and submit it electronically.
- Entry fee is $240 per team
- Make cheque payable to Ontario Grandmasters Curling Association or Send an email E-Transfer to norris.gc721@primus.ca with a password and then send a second email to norris.gc721@primus.ca with the password. Passwords are sensitive to Upper and Lower case need to know exactly how password is constructed.
- Mail the cheque for $240 to: Gary Norris -127 Torrance Scarborough Ontario M1J 2J9
- The first 8 entries received from each zone will be accepted
Click Here To Read Waiver Document
Please note: Do not use the ENTER key until the form is finished. You can submit the form by clicking Submit or pressing ENTER.
Grandmasters Input Form - Closed
2022 – 2023 Ontario Grandmasters Curling Association Rules
This competition will be governed by the Curl Canada Rules of Curling for General Play and these OGCA Rules.
A, Eligibility Rules
- Age: On February 28 of the Provincial Championship year women must be at least 65 years of age and men must be at least 70 years of age.
- Membership: All players must be active members of the same CurlOn affiliated curling club. Residents outside the geographical jurisdiction of the CURLON but within 40 kilometers of the CURLON geographical jurisdiction are also eligible with special conditions.
- Participation: All players must participate in club draw(s) at the curling club indicated on the entry form.
- Equalization factor for Smaller Curling Clubs.
A smaller curling club is a CURLON affiliated curling club with 4 sheets or less of curling ice. A team
from a smaller curling club may import one player from another smaller club in Ontario to play on their team. The imported player must satisfy the Participation rule, are approved by the curling club of entry and play front end.
- Teams:
Each team will be composed of four women or four men or any combination of women or men playing on any team position.
- Zone play:
- Entries: Only the first eight teams will be accepted in each zone. More teams may be accepted at the discretion of the OGCA Executive.
- Event: Double knockout with one team advancing to provincial final. The zone draw will be sent to each skip. There is no need for a pre-game meeting.
- Substitution: At the zone level, teams must declare four eligible players. Substitution will be allowed in accordance with the rules provided that two of the original players are utilized. Players eliminated at the zone level will not be eligible to spare at the same level.
- Games: All games will be played using the 5 rock free guard zone (FGZ).
- Pre-Game: Choice of last rock or colour will be determined by a coin toss. The team which has last rock in the first end will practice first.
- Pre-Game: All games shall allow time for a seven (7) minute per team pre-game organized practice. Practice is to be on the sheet of ice where the team is scheduled to play and only with the stones they will be using in the game.
- The zone winner will advance to the Provincial level. At least 2 of the four players advancing must be of the original four registered players. Exceptions must be ratified by the OGCA Executive.
- Extra ends are full ends played toward the glass.
- Fill System:
If a zone has no entries the fill team for the provincial final will be the runner up of the zone with the largest number of entries in that region. The four regions are: (1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8), (9,10,11,12), (13, 14, 15, 16)
- Provincial Final:
- Event: The 16 winning teams of the zone playdowns shall meet in the Ontario Grandmasters Championship which shall have four events and guarantee each team three games.
- Teams:The zone winner will advance to the provincial level. At least two of the four players advancing must be of the original four players. Exceptions to this rule must be ratified by the OGCA executive.
- Substitutes:Substitutes at the provincial level will only be available from a pool of players, provided by the host committee.
- Pre-Game: A coin toss will determine the order of practice or rock colour.
- Pre-Game: All games shall allow time for a seven (7) minute per team pre-game organized practice. Practice is to be on the sheet of ice where the team is scheduled to play and only with the stones they will be using in the game.
- Choice of Last Rock: Immediately following each team’s practice, one player shall throw one rock to the rings with sweeping. The distance from the pin will be measured by an OGCA official. The team closest to the pin will have the choice of last rock. Ties will be broken with a coin toss.
- Finals: There will be no team practice. Each team will designate a thrower. A coin toss will determine which team throws first. S/he will take two rocks to the farther end and choose one side of the ice on which to play. Both rocks will
be thrown. The first is for practice and the second rock will be measured from the pin. The second team will then throw two rocks. The second team must play on the other side of the sheet. The team closest to the pin will have the choice of last rock. Ties will be broken with a coin toss.
- Extra Ends:Extra ends are full ends played toward the glass.
- Delivery Methods:
The use of delivery sticks or brushes to deliver the stone is permitted.
- Special Concerns
- Travel Guidelines
During travel to zone play, if competitors experience hazardous driving conditions that could delay their arrival, they should phone the host club contact/umpire. Depending on the nature of the delay, the umpire may decide to delay the start of the game or reschedule without penalty.
- 5 Rock Free Guard Zone (FGZ)
The Ontario Grandmasters Curling Association Executives have revised their decision to implement the 5-rock rule for both the Zone Playdowns and the Provincial Championships
Revised October 23rd, 2022 for the 2022/2023 year